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annual peak trading period
The Annual Peak Trading Period

September’s here again and, if you didn’t start thinking ahead to Christmas peak in February, you certainly are now.  The buyers probably ordered the stock a year ago and the stores have agreed their merchandising plans to handle the products already on the high seas.

In Logistics, you’ve probably placed orders for the new vehicles to arrive before peak to supplement the fleet, which includes the older vehicles that will be sold in 2024.  Staffing levels will be reviewed and deals done with labour supply agencies to boost shifts and man short-term additional warehouses.

What about transit equipment?

If you use roll cages, are you sure you’ll have enough?

Has the FD put an embargo on purchasing more cages?

Do you know how many you have in the system?

What happens if you run out?

Can you replace cages with pallets or do you grind to a halt?

Are you frightened to rent?

It’s too late to order cages from China, they won’t get here in time.

There are two things you can do immediately.

  1. Ensure you are recovering as many of your cages as possible that are missing from your supply chain. Lost or stolen, the impact is the same.

ACQSYS is the only nation-wide company that can help you with recovery of your equipment.

  1. Look at renting cages to help you through the peak period.

ROLL CAGE RENTAL offers a unique roll cage rental service and works with you to help you keep rather than lose rented equipment.

Once you get through this year’s peak you might want to consider tracking your assets and we can help you with that, too.

Give us a call or head to our website to secure your cages today.

