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How to clear old stock from lockdown

We were recently asked to provide rental cages to a well-known company that needs to clear obsolete stock from its many branches – stock that’s been sitting there for months during lockdown.

Logistically, this is no small feat and it’s a problem many firms will face when restrictions are finally lifted. How do I replace the old stock with new? Without the right equipment, and enough of it, clearing and restocking shelves will be a nightmare and filling the existing fleet of cages and totes with obsolete stock is not going to help companies get new stock in place.

We recommend, before it’s too late, that companies take an inventory of their transit equipment to see, firstly, if it’s all there and, secondly, it’s where it’s supposed to be. Once that’s done, work out if that’s sufficient to restart the operation because swapping old stock for new is a much more cage-hungry activity than day-to-day running.

Worth checking.

Bill Howie